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Strawberries, Blueberries may Cut Heart Attack Risk in Women

Eating three or more servings of blueberries and strawberries per week may help women reduce their risk of a heart attack by as much as one-third, researchers reported in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association.

Blueberries and strawberries contain high levels of naturally occurring compounds called dietary flavonoids, also found in grapes and wine, blackberries, eggplant, and other fruits and vegetables. A specific sub-class of flavonoids, called anthocyanins, may help dilate arteries, counter the buildup of plaque and provide other cardiovascular benefits, according to the study.

“Blueberries and strawberries can easily be incorporated into what women eat every week,” said Eric Rimm D.Sc., senior author and Associate Professor of Nutrition and Epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, Mass. “This simple dietary change could have a significant impact on prevention efforts.”
Blueberries and strawberries were part of this analysis simply because they are the most-eaten berries in the United States. Thus, it’s possible that other foods could produce the same results, researchers said.

Scientists from the Harvard School of Public Health in the United States and the University of East Anglia, United Kingdom conducted a prospective study among 93,600 women ages 25 to 42 who were registered with the Nurses’ Health Study II. The women completed questionnaires about their diet every four years for 18 years.

During the study, 405 heart attacks occurred. Women who ate the most blueberries and strawberries had a 32-percent reduction in their risk of heart attack compared to women who ate the berries once a month or less -- even in women who otherwise ate a diet rich in other fruits and vegetables.

Blueberries:ブルーベリー Heart Attack:心臓発作
servings:~皿分(1回に食べる量を単位とする) researchers:研究者 Circulation:循環(Circulationは雑誌名)
naturally occurring:自然に存在する,天然の compounds:化合物 dietary:食事性の flavonoids:フラボノイド blackberries:ブラックベリー eggplant:ナス sub-class:サブクラス anthocyanins:アントシアニン dilate:~を拡張させる arteries:動脈 counter:~に対抗する buildup:蓄積 plaque:プラーク,斑 cardiovascular:心血管系の according to:~によると
be incorporated into:~に組み込まれる D.Sc.:博士 senior author:主席著者 Associate Professor:准教授 Nutrition:栄養学 Epidemiology:疫学 Public Health:公衆衛生 prevention:予防のための
were part of:~で使われた,~に参加した
prospective study:前向き研究 were registered with:~に登録された questionnaires:質問票
rich in:~が豊富である



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